Ms. Jane C. MacKnight and Dr. Dennis V. Johnson contacted me to use my Date Palm before and after photos in their article on the history of Date Palm plantings in Hawai`i, was published in the online journal PalmArbor in November 2024. The PalmArbor is published by the University of California at Riverside.. Here is the link to the article: Historical Notes on the Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and its Congeners in Hawai’i.
Dr. Dennis V. Johnson has a Ph.D in plant geography from UCLA. He researches and updates the history of Date Palm production in the United States. He spent his career at the University, the US Forest Service's International Forestry, and working with a number of non-profit and consulting organizations on plant conservation issues and land use planning. Dr. Dennis has published and edited many books about palms and date palms specifically. Dr. Dennis is interested in areas where dates were thought to be profitable as a crop, but ultimately the climate could not support fruit production. Jane and Dr. Dennis have published articles on dates in the Lower Colorado River Valley, Texas and Florida and the Carolinas. Here is a link to one of our articles on dates in the Big Bend National Park, Texas
Ms. Jane MacKnight is a botanist who worked on plant conservation issues with World Wildlife Fund-US for several years then switched careers and have worked as a museum registrar for about 30 years, most recently with Cincinnati Museum Center in Ohio.
Dana Anne Yee, FASLA designed, researched, wrote, and photographed the History of Kapi`olani Regional Park for the City and County of Honolulu, Department of Parks and Recreation.
Please visit Kapi'olani Regional Park -www.honolulu.gov/parks/default/kapi-olani-regional-park.html to learn about our 2nd largest park in Honolulu, see wonderful historical photos and new photos, and to hear songs of our treasured Kapi`olani Regional Park.

The History of Kapi`olani Regional Park - Website was designed, researched, written, and photographed by Dana Anne Yee, FASLA. Please visit Kapi'olani Regional Park -www.honolulu.gov/parks/default/kapi-olani-regional-park.html
